Are you looking for quick next steps in improving your Fatty Liver? Improving Fatty Liver is a long-term commitment. Thankfully, you can make some very basic and quick Fatty liver-friendly Food swaps RIGHT NOW to accelerate your recovery.
Here are 7 fatty liver-friendly food swaps we recommend you make right away:
1. White Rice for Cauliflower Rice, Quinoa, Or Brown Rice

White rice is a refined carbohydrate, that is stripped of its nutrients and immediately gets converted into sugar after consumption. Brown Rice, Quinoa, or Cauliflower rice each provide a much healthier alternative due to their nutritional profile, fiber content, and lower carb content.
Benefit: Provides the liver with the amino acids to function optimally and Low Glycemic Index (GI) helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. In a nutshell – reduced carb, better for weight loss.
Cow’s Milk For Almond Milk

Actually, cow’s milk has shown benefits (in moderation) for Fatty Liver. However, the sugar content in any variety of cow’s milk is very high. As a result, in the initial stages of your journey, I recommend making this swap. While I do not quite recommend store-bought Almond Milk like Silk or Almond Breeze, I do recommend making your own homemade almond milk. In earlier stages of your weight loss, using store-bought Almond milk may be okay, but make sure you kick the habit eventually. Also, the taste and texture of Almond milk may take a bit of time to get used to, but the long-term benefits are going to be worth it.
Benefit: Reduces overall sugar intake during the day, thus helping with weight loss.
Canola Oil Or Vegetable Oil For Extra Virgin Olive Oil And Avocado Oil

It must not be news to you that regularly eating unhealthy fats can harm your liver. While some oils like Canola are marketed as heart-healthy, they can cause liver damage. On the other hand, the oils such as Olive Oil and Avocado Oil contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help repair the liver, reduce cholesterol and regulate triglyceride levels. Remember to use olive oil for low-heat applications and avocado for high-heat applications. These oils are expensive, but consider them as an investment in your body.
Benefit: Reduces Liver inflammation and even provides liver healing possibilities.
Rich & Creamy Salad Dressings For Herbs, Olive Oil, Fresh Fruit Or Lemon, Nuts Or Apple Cider Vinegar
My intention is not to malign the “healthy” rich and creamy salad dressings! However, most of the rich and creamy salad dressings we do get in the store are not good health-wise. But that’s my point – you do not have to give up on the rich and creamy taste/texture for healthier foods. For example, my aunt can whip up a yummy and healthy rich and creamy salad dressing with boiled cashews, lemon, and olive oil [#recipe]. You can add a lot of taste with the help of herbs, spices, fresh fruits, and nuts, etc. Here is how to make your fatty liver recipes tasty.
Benefit: Reduces overall carb intake, thus helping with weight loss. Nuts, herbs and spices have other great qualities that are beneficial for liver protection.
Chips, Crisps & Crackers For Fresh / Roasted Veggie Sticks

Whether it’s lunch or snack time, I love a crunch – don’t you? This is one of those swaps that will take a little more getting used to and a little more prep from your side. But guess what? Veggie sticks are low in fat and contain high amounts of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Hence, they are amazingly liver-friendly. Eat them raw (Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, and Beet Root, etc) with some salt and spices (optional). Also, you can eat them cooked – spray some olive oil and mix in some spices. You can eat the veggie sticks guilt-free. I hope it is clear, but let me restate – avoid store-bought fried veggie sticks.
Benefit: Reduces cholesterol, liver fat. Provides much needed vitamins, minerals and hydration.
Milk Chocolate For Dark Chocolate

But you already knew this! It’s now time to implement it. To warn you though, most of the dark chocolate brands (even with 70%+ cocoa) have high amounts of butter and sugars. Hence, you must pay close attention to the nutrition label while buying your dark chocolate. The second important thing is moderation. Having 1 square a day for example is usually enough. If you get it right, dark chocolates with 70% or more cocoa have potent antioxidants that can be very liver-friendly.
Benefit: Dark chocolates have strong antioxidant properties and even a little bit a day is enough to provide liver-friendly benefits.
Fatty, Creamy & Sugary Toast Spreads For Avocado, Guacamole, Tahini & Mint Chutney
It is time to do away with most jams, butter, creams, and other spreads that you use on your breakfast toast. There are many really healthy liver-friendly options available that can be easily made into yummy, creamy (and spicy!) toast spreads. These can add just as much flavor to the start of your mornings. For instance – Avocado, Guacamole, Tahini, Mint Chutney, and more. Read this article for more liver-friendly toast spread ideas to flavor up your breakfast [#link].
Benefit: Weightloss. Also reduces triglycerides.
So these were the 7 Fatty Liver Friendly Food Swaps that I recommend you instantly make as you embark on the journey to heal your fatty liver. Your liver will thank you for it and your body will start feeling the difference in no time.