Did you stuff yourself silly with coma-inducing food, desserts, and alcohol? So What! I did the same. Frankly, the holidays are a time of celebration with family and friends. No matter your intent, comfort food, desserts, and drinks are crucial parts of this celebration. However, the reality is probably hitting you right now, just like it is hitting me. I need to get back to my diet! To help, here are the 8 tips I have learned working with various nutritionists on how to get a fatty liver diet back on track after the holidays.
#1: Remove Alcohol Out Of Sight To Get Fatty Liver Diet Back On Track After Holidays
Out of sight is truly out of mind. Alcohol is one of those things that immediately can cause harm to your liver. So it is a good idea to remove it out of sight, preferably in an unusual place where you wouldn’t automatically go and grab it. One of the nutritionists I spoke to puts them in their attic, and other stores the alcohol on their garage top shelf. This is indeed the first step to getting your fatty liver diet back on track after the holidays.
Stow away the alcohol where its not easy to grab on to. It may be hard to go cold turkey, so the recommendation is to just make it harder to reach. Hopefully you wont get to the stuff too often in next few weeks 😉
#2: Trash the processed & junk food – chips, dips, leftovers, deserts, and snacks

As much as it pains to do it, it is time to clean up the refrigerator and trash all the junk food that is left over from all the holiday parties. This is your way of saying “NO” to access sugars, carbs, and fats from here on. Get rid of those:
- Sugary treats and desserts
- Fried leftovers
- Fatty and creamy toppings and dips
- Decadent bread
It’s time to give yourself a chance to get back to your diet. While these items still occupy your refrigerator, it will be almost impossible to get your fatty liver diet back on track after the holidays.
To give yourself a real chance, this is a step you MUST take. Throw the temptations away!
#3: Sip water non-stop & Eat Hydrating Fruits and Veggies

Hydrating your body and making it feel full are two very important steps to get your diet back on track. It is also one of the easiest things to do. Move around with a bottle of water and keep sipping every few minutes. Start eating those fruits and veggies as much as your can and in whatever way you prefer to eat them, to keep the hunger pangs in check. In short, keep yourself full of the good stuff. Moreover, fruits and vegetables provide additional hydration to the body.
Drink more water than usual and double down on those veggies. Your body will thank you for it. You will start getting out of the heaviness of the holiday splurge.
#4: Snack & Cook Smart To Get Fatty Liver Diet Back On Track After Holidays
Snacking is an important part of your diet. It gets you from one meal time to the next in a healthy way. However, you probably got used to snacking more often than usual during the holidays (not unlike me). To add to that, you are likely used to snacking on the not-so-good stuff as well. Now that we have gotten rid of the not-so-good items in #2, its time to remember the good snacks that will get your diet back on track:
- Fruits and Salads (with more greens)
- Soups
- Grilled Veggies
- Nuts
- Fruit smoothies or shakes made in low (or zero-fat) dairy especially made with green
Now let’s talk about Meals. Remember – low carb, low fat, and high protein diet. Also, remember Mediterranean diet is often considered the best diet for Fatty Liver. Moreover, restart making the right food swaps to get your meals on track. Here is a quick list to remind you what your meals should ideally consist of:
- Cauliflower rice or quinoa (avoid white rice altogether)
- Egg whites
- Chicken or Turkey breasts
- Whole grains (avoid processed or white flour altogether)
- Lentils and Beans
Get your meals and snacks on track. Add taste with spices, chutneys and seasonings rather than with rich sauces and oils.
#5: Get Moving – Start Small But Stay Consistent

Get exercising. Yes, it may be tough and you may also not be in the best shape. But it is ok to start small. Can you do 10 minutes a day for 1 week and then increase to 15 minutes a day the next? I bet that is an easier target than starting immediately with a 30 minutes regimen. The important thing here is to get consistent and get back into a habit.
Feel too tired? Just start with a 10 minute brisk walk routine. Start cranking the intensity or the duration up from next week. Just keep consistent.
#6: Stay Away From Cleanses, Detoxes, And Weighing Scale
Last but not the least, try to stay away from extremes. Extreme diets and fads can cause more harm to the liver. There is proven evidence that crash diets, cleanses and detoxes are rarely healthy if not quite harmful. Most nutritionists recommended that the more sensible route of getting to your normal routine is the best way forward.

Conclusion – You Can Get Your Fatty Liver Diet Back On Track!
This advice from nutritionists has helped me get my fatty liver diet on track for the last few years and I am hoping it helps you as well. I am always looking for more ideas and opinions. Hence, if you have any thoughts on this article or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.
✔️ You can do it ! 💪🏼
Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
I needed this! Thanks! Already meal prepped for the week, had 3/4 left in a bottle of wine…DUMPED IT! Logging everything, including how I feel, in my journal, feeling better already!
Great to hear! And good start. I find it difficult to trash stuff because it feels like a waste, but have learnt to prioritize health first. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Please take a moment to subscribe to the YT channel, I am planning to post expert videos, diet tips and lot of information on NAFLD: https://www.youtube.com/@reversefattyliver